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The Challenge

Payment processing has special requirements

Many payment apps are “super apps”, that are intended to extend beyond the initial design and aggregate multiple payment products and non-payment services. Additionally, these apps serve two distinct user communities: the consumer and the merchant. Each of these user groups has distinct, and often disparate, needs.
The conflict between processing transactions and real-time analytics, coupled with data security and availability concerns, makes payment processing a challenging issue.

Our Solution

Secure and scalable real-time analytics deliver results

TiDB accommodates unpredictable usage patterns with the ability to scale in, out, up, or down as needed. With HTAP capabilities, TiDB delivers real-time data monetization by providing immediate analytical capabilities, allowing an organization to shift to meet changing demands. Operational analytics also help to detect and prevent fraudulent transactions.


A major bank accommodated peak traffic at 10x their normal traffic

0 M

A payment processor is currently servicing over 100 million active users

$ 0 B

An insurance company processes over $15B USD in transactions in a single day

Case Study

決済システムに「TiDB」を採用したSBペイメントサービス ミッションクリティカル環境で主流になるか

  念入りな障害試験でも好成績、本番導入に踏み切った理由とは 記事公開日:2024年2月5日 SBペイメントサービスは、ソフトバンクグループの決済・...