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The Problem

Dated environments increase cost and complexity

Legacy database environments are often unable to meet your current needs, instead incurring higher maintenance costs, requiring complex architecture, while limited by an inability to query at scale. The necessity of constantly updating your environment can be avoided by implementing a modern database platform.

Our Solution

Modern environments deliver speed and simplicity

TiDB delivers a modern database environment, developed from the ground up to use commodity hardware, providing scalability and data availability while delivering excellent query performance. Some benefits of moving to a modern data platform include improved developer velocity; reduced costs, since you are consolidating a stack of disparate systems; enhanced analytics capabilities from a single database; and multi-cloud availability, enabling you to distribute risk and lessen vendor lock-in.


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An enterprise customer with 6000+ customers worldwide supports their TiDB environment with 5 back-end engineers and 5 front-end engineers

1 M

A customer with over 475 million monthly active users, sees greatly reduced system complexity, and stronger consistency because TiDB provides distributed transactions

1 X

Implementing Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing with TiDB delivered a three times improvement in performance for a consumer electronics provider

Case Study

Streak がCRMのリアルタイム化にTiDBを選んだ理由

Google Chromeの拡張機能であるStreakは、Google Workplaceと直接統合され、販売パイプライン、連絡先、アクションアイテムが表示されるCRMダッシュボードを...


エンジニアリング担当バイスプレジデント、FRED WULFF氏