In open source, we trust!
2017 has witnessed the growth of PingCAP, from Beijing to Silicon Valley, and the evolution of TiDB, from RC1 to the 1.0 release, and then to the 1.0.5 release. As our CEO Max said in the TiDB 1.0 announcement, “because of the hard work and dedication of not just every member of our team, but also every contributor, user, and partner in our open source community.”
As 2017 draws to a close, let’s take a look back upon the highlights that shape PingCAP and TiDB:
- 1818 forks
- 13000+ stars
- 1106 watches
- 210+ contributors
- 41 weekly updates
- 26 PingCAP Infra Meetups
- 1 of the gRPC popular projects
- Listed on the CNCF Cloud Native Landscape
- Merged 14 PRs to RocksDB and 5 PRs to etcd
- 40 changed files in 1 PR from Samsung Electronics
- A cloud-native HTAP Database on UCloud and Tencent Cloud
- 30+ customers in APAC region
- 1.0 Release, marking the production readiness of TiDB
- 1st version of TiSpark: sitting SparkSQL on top of TiKV. Distributed HTAP made possible
- 1st Rust China Meetup
- Siddon’s talk at Rust meetup in Bay area
- Siddon’s talk at RocksDB meetup in Bay area
- 2nd invitation to Percona Live for Speech (Edward)
- $15M in Series B funding led by China Growth Capital
- 1st of many steps towards a global impact by opening the Silicon Valley office
We connect, contribute, collaborate, and we will never stop.
Thank you all, our beloved contributors, customers, and partners, for an amazing 2017!
Hello, 2018!
See the following infographic for a recap of PingCAP in 2017:
TiDB Cloud Dedicated
TiDB Cloudのエンタープライズ版。
専用VPC上に構築された専有DBaaSでAWSとGoogle Cloudで利用可能。
TiDB Cloud Serverless
TiDB Cloudのライト版。