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PingCAP strives to be the best and most respected database software company in the world. PingCAP values joint research with top universities and institutes because this leads to innovation. The real-world challenges we solve will provide great benefits to everyone.
PingCAP seeks research partners from top universities and institutes around the world to collaborate on distributed databases, distributed storage, cloud native storage, and ML/AI projects.


Zurich Federal Institute of technology (ETH Zurich) is one of the most famous Polytechnic Universities in the world, enjoying the reputation of "the first famous university in Europe". They are No.6 in the QS world university rank.

PingCAP is working with ETH Zurich on the Automated Transaction Testing for Database Management System project. This project is led by Professor Doctor Zhendong Su.


Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) is is a world leading university that focuses on technology, design, and enterprises.

PingCAP is working with RMIT on distributed database query optimization.


University of Science and Technology of China is a top global university, they ranked 93rd in 2021 QS World University Rankings.

PingCAP established a strategic collaboration with USTC. Our joint research covers distributed storage and cloud native storage.

  • The paper ‘Differentiated Key-Value Storage Management for Balanced I/O Performance‘ by USTC and PingCAP was accepted by USENIX ATC 2021.
  • The paper ‘UniKV: Toward High-Performance and Scalable KV Storage in Mixed Workloads via Unified Indexing‘ was published by ICDE 2020.

Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) is one of the most influential universities in China.

Since 2018, PingCAP and HUST have created a strategic industry research and education partnership.

  • The paper 'Building A Fast and Efficient LSM-tree Store byIntegrating Local Storage with Cloud Storage' was released by Cluster 2021.
  • The paper 'ComboTree: A Persistent Indexing Structure with Universal Operational Efficiency and Scalability' was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems.
  • The paper 'MatrixKV: Reducing Write Stalls and Write Amplification in LSM-tree Based KV Stores with Matrix Container in NVM' was released by USENIX ATC 2020.

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Joint Research Projects

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Doctoral Fellowship

PingCAP PhD fellowship is under construction. Before that, any PhD student in Computer Science would like to get sponsorship from PingCAP, please contact us at ur@pingcap.com



Welcome anyone who is lovers of databases, distributed systems and cloud native technologies meet us from meetup


TiDB Research

PingCAP supports many TiDB research topics. We are especially interested in TiDB architecture, performance enhancements, and TiDB application development. If you would like to collaborate with PingCAP, please reach out to us via ur@pingcap.com or slack.

TiDB Cloud Dedicated

TiDB Cloudのエンタープライズ版。
専用VPC上に構築された専有DBaaSでAWSとGoogle Cloudで利用可能。

TiDB Cloud Serverless

TiDB Cloudのライト版。